Dear Supporters,
Firstly, sorry for the extended length of time between the last post and this one.
We performed Fieldwalking and Metal Detecting in Feb & Mar 20 in four fields in the Cuckney vicinity.
We engaged again with MERCIAN CIC (archaeology company) and they generously agreed a reduced fee for their services. So a big thank you to Andy Gaunt, Sean Crossley and David Budge.
David is analysing the finds and BOHIS hope that the results will be forthcoming shortly, but appreciate that COVID-19 has interfered with the intended timescales.
Of course, we were looking for artefacts that might relate to the Battle of Hatfield (632AD) but the vast majority of the finds were definitely not from that era.
However, we filled about 9 bank money bags with finds that range from a Viking gaming piece, a Tudor button, an Edward the First half penny, a couple of items that MAY be arrow heads and many other interesting finds, including a 9 carat gold obituary pendant with the letters, “ML” on it (dated 17th June 1778).
Mercian are only in receipt of 6 of those bags so BOHIS need to provide them with the other 3, just as soon as things gain a firmer footing !
Don’t get too financially excited by the last item, it was valued at £32 !! Still, it was a lovely find.
A massive thank you also to the Chesterfield Metal Detecting Club (Dave Stanley, Kevin Worsnop and many others) who performed over many days for no monetary reward.
In summary, we will let you know the official results as soon as possible and hope to host a showing of key items at Cuckney Village Hall, perhaps as part of our AGM (which is due around Nov or Dec 2020 but will probably be delayed).
Secondly and briefly, one of our supporters (Trevor Crook) has recently kindly introduced us to Retford Ghost Hunters, who visited St. Mary’s Church, Cuckney and a potential battle site on the 8th September. They provided us with many exciting insights and have offered to give a presentation to BOHIS at the Cuckney Village Hall as soon as possible.
Keep a space in your diary for that !!!
From the BOHIS team