Dear All,
The Heritage Lottery Fund (“HLF”) have kindly agreed to let us use some of the underspend from our original HLF “Warriors Through The Landscape” project budget (which operationally officially virtually finished with our Final Presentation Day (29th Sept.)).
Therefore, excitingly, we will soon be doing further multiple test pits – ( likely 1 * 1m) – (as part of the extended “Warriors” .. HLF project) – in conjunction with MERCIAN archaeologists.
This pitting will take place in the lower small field (opposite Cuckney Village Hall car park entrance) of the “Ulvers” (a private, tenanted property). Entrance to the site will only be on foot via the large wooden gate directly opposite the Village Hall Car Park).
Please park your car in the Village Hall car park.
As the small field is close to the river then it would seem an ideal site for discovering evidence of earlier settlement.
Both the tenants & the Welbeck Estates Company have also kindly given permission for these activities.
DATES : Mon 12th to Weds 14th November (3 days)
TIMES : Registration 9:00am for 9:30am start. Finish at 5:00pm.
NOTE : Booking is ESSENTIAL if you wish to participate in test pitting or even if you just wish to come on site to view the activities.
We cannot allow ANYONE on site that has not previously booked.
Booking is via BOHIS – Paul Jameson (07305 362568 or email – by 5pm on Sunday 11th November
Note #1: The Village Hall has been booked for our use on 12th & 14th (but not the 13th – as it’s not available).
Therefore, registration on Monday 12th & Weds. 14th November will be at Cuckney Village Hall but on Tues. 13th will be in the Ulvers small field.
Note #2 : We have generously been allowed use of the toilet facilities & also the adjacent room for lunch at the Ulvers (all 3 days).
From All The Team