Dear Field Walkers and Metal Detectorists,
We will continue Field walking and Metal Detecting this Sunday 8th January.
The weather forecast for Sunday is currently ok (Light Cloud, 20% chance of rain, 8 degrees).
Sunday the 8th January has been confirmed with the Village Hall committee, hence we have the use of the Village Hall.
We will be continuing in Field 2 and Field 3 (it’s your choice). Field 3 is currently about 50% detected.
Each operational day you can meet me at the Village Hall (opens at about 8:30am) and go down together about 9:15am.
You can go directly to site – park in the designated area (please park on the hard standing area ONLY – NOT on the grass.
Please don’t start detecting or Field walking until I or another member of BOHIS arrives.
Regards and Thanks very much for your help,
Paul Jameson