Field Walking and Metal Detecting – Sunday 22nd January

Dear Field Walkers and Metal Detectorists, We will continue Field walking and Metal Detecting this Sunday 22nd January. The weather forecast for Sunday is currently ok (Light Cloud, very low chance of rain, 3 degrees max.). We will NOT have the use of the Village Hall this week but toilet facilities will …

Fieldwalking & Metal Detecting – Sunday 15th January

Dear Field Walkers and Metal Detectorists, We will continue Field walking and Metal Detecting this Sunday 15th January. The weather forecast for Sunday is currently ok (Light Cloud, Moderate Breeze 15% chance of rain, 6 degrees). Please note that CMDC members will NOT be available on the 15th January. We will …

Field Walking and Detecting – Sunday 8th January

Dear Field Walkers and Metal Detectorists, We will continue Field walking and Metal Detecting this Sunday 8th January. The weather forecast for Sunday is currently ok (Light Cloud, 20% chance of rain, 8 degrees). Sunday the 8th January has been confirmed with the Village Hall committee, hence we have the use …

(BOHIS) – Christmas Drink – Greendale Oak – Weds. 28th December at 7pm

Dear All, Continuing a tradition that had to be suspended due to COVID, we will be having a Christmas drink in the Greendale Oak on Weds. 28th December at 7pm for anyone that is perhaps available after the previous few days of festivities. Operationally, this will be a chance for …

Field Walking and Detecting – Next Tues. 20th December

Dear Field Walkers and Metal Detectorists, We will continue Field walking and Metal Detecting next Tuesday, 20th December. NOTE: Tomorrow – Sunday 18th will NOT be one of our operational days as the weather forecast is most unpromising. Tuesday 20th December has been confirmed with the Village Hall committee, hence we have the …

Field Walking and Detecting – This Sunday 11th December

Dear Field Walkers and Metal Detectorists, Firstly, thanks for your continuing support and the excellent CMDC Christmas Party at the West End Hotel, Killamarsh on Monday. We will continue Field walking and Metal Detecting this Sunday, 11th December. It looks like it might be -1 up to about 11am and thereafter …

Field Walking and Detecting – This Sunday 4th December

Dear Field Walkers and Metal Detectorists, We will continue Field walking and Metal Detecting this Sunday, 4th December. NOTE: Sat. 3rd will NOT be one of our operational days. Sunday 4th December has been confirmed with the Village Hall committee, hence we have the use of the Village Hall. We …

Field Walking & Metal Detecting – Sunday 27th November 2022

Dear Field Walkers and Metal Detectorists, We will continue Field walking and Metal Detecting this Sunday, 27th November. NOTE: Sat. 26th Nov. will NOT be one of our operational days as I need to visit the Finds Liaison Officer in Newark. Sunday 27th has been confirmed with the Village Hall committee, hence we …