New Heritage Lottery Funding secured – Meeting next Friday 23rd March

Dear Supporters, With great pleasure we announce further Heritage Lottery funding of £54,000 in addition to £4,000 from SOLARCENTURY (Hazel Gap Community Fund). Events will take place this year (scheduled for April to September). Please come along to Cuckney Village Hall at 7:30pm on Friday 23rd March to hear all …

Meeting With The Parochial Church Council (P.C.C.) on the 20th February

Dear All, On the 3rd January we presented the Parochial Church Council (P.C.C.) with a document entitled, “Supporting Information for Faculty Request”. This document is available here This details the Preferences adopted by Community vote for sampling work at St. Mary’s. Further to this, the Parochial Church Council (P.C.C.) briefly discussed …

CAN YOU HELP ? Were Saxon artefacts found at St. Mary’s, Cuckney in the 1960s ?

Dear All, Can you help BOHIS solve a mystery which could have major consequences for Phase 2 (Sampling) – Funding & Permissions ? As you know, having discovered features (ie. possible reinterment sites etc..) at St. Mary’s, we are now trying to gain permission & funding in order to sample …

Phase 2 Invasive – Meeting with Diocesan Advisors and Notts. County Council Archaeologist at St. Mary’s on Monday 25th July @ 11:30am

Dear All, We are now beginning the “ground work” in preparation for another HLF bid re. an exciting Phase 2. As part of this, BOHIS have secured a meeting at St. Mary’s Cuckney with both of the Diocese of Southwell archaeological advisors – on Monday 25th July @ 11:30am. This …

Recent Progress

Dear All, Firstly, our 7th meeting of May 13th had an attendance of over 40 who witnessed a presentation on the discoveries found in Phase 1 last November. These included 6 anomalies which may represent original burials in and around the church and reinterment sites, plus notification of a 7th …